
Little Worlds Colliding

Confession time.  I’ve had a wonderful mind-vacation over the past couple of months, indulging in a new and fierce Monster High doll obsession. 🙂  It was Sirena Von Boo, the ghost-mermaid hybrid doll, who started it for me.  Then, I looked into the doll line’s rather intelligent use of mythology, and Sirena started getting a lot more company.  Then I had to get the dolls who are obvious musicians (Catty and Casta are hanging out in my recording studio, looking fabulous), and well… There’s a doll shelf in my future at this point, and I’m not the least bit ashamed. 😀

I believe Tumblr would call this a partial Shelfie.

I believe Tumblr would call this a partial Shelfie.

I realized how deep into the fandom I had truly gone over the weekend, when I was browsing a Halloween store and found myself wanting to cheer on a wee trick-or-treater and her mother for ruthlessly hunting the perfect Frankie Stein costume….and I knew exactly which character/doll/costume they were talking about.

Then I started thinking about how cool it would be for this little girl and all sorts of other kids if they could meet all the brilliant cosplayers I’ve met.  And then, how neat it would be for little kids to meet all of the wonderful geeks I’ve met, of various dedications and genders.  And then I jerked my own reins, because I realized that even starting that conversation with a random mother and daughter in a random Halloween Store in central Arkansas would be more complicated than I wanted it to be, and possibly frightening for the two of them.  🙂

But I can dream, right?  And I can keep giving a cheerful thumbs-up to all the awesome cosplays and trick-or-treaters I meet?

I forget sometimes that my world of conventions and festivals, music, fire, feathers and fun is not the world that everyone lives in.  Tell you what, though:  I never knew until I got adopted by bunches of facets of fandom how good it would feel to know that we don’t have to grow out of dressing up, Halloween, theatre, and so many other wonderful things.  We don’t have to grow too old for those things.  Too old, or too serious, or too sad.  We don’t have to let them go.  They’re still ours.  This is one of the things I can always count on to keep me going.

So here’s to all of you, no matter what year you were born, who are planning to go all out on a costume this year, whether or not it’s for Halloween. 🙂 Here’s to those of you who are going all out for your kids, for your fandom, for your friends, or most especially for yourself.  You’re awesome.


Remnants, Beauty, and Bliss: the Changing of the Seasons at Home

Summer and Autumn often walk hand in hand during the month of October, down in the Arkansas Delta where I grew up.  Summer puts on its last, most beautiful dress to show up Autumn, who’s always been an unapologetic fashionista.  They chase each other, they execute complicated partner-dance moves, they scream and fight and soothe and kiss.  They are the closest of sisters and the most ruthless of rivals.  Weather-wise, for us mere mortals, this can be by turns beautiful and frustrating.  Where flora and fauna are concerned, it is most assuredly beautiful.

Yesterday was the first day of deer season.  My sweetheart and I will be marking the perimeter of his family’s land, near the base of the Ouachita Mountains, with “No Hunting” purple paint over the next couple of days, if the rain will allow us.  This will discourage hunters and poachers (we hope) from trespassing, and it will give us a little more margin for error, as far as not getting shot at when we walk on our own property is concerned.  We are pretty far out in the country, and the danger of being mistaken for quarry is very real this time of year.  I expect to see a lot of deer and other beasts seeking sanctuary in our woods as the colder weather sets in.  For now, the leaves of the trees on the levee are just starting to change their colors from green to gold and red.  Daring pioneers, mostly sweet gum maples, are taking the initiative to shift their uniforms, trusting the rest to follow.

Many flocks of geese and families of deer as well as ducks, herons, and bald eagles have seen fit to visit our land in past years.  One day, during my first winter on the land, I counted thirteen great blue herons and five bald eagles, all visiting the lake at one time.  Seeing them all present, as if attending a great meeting, their forms in flight against the silver sky or at rest next to water and snow, was a wonder.

This past Friday evening, as I drove south on US highway 65 to my mother’s home, I was struck by the sight of the last riot of wild hibiscus in the ditches beside the road, fiercely green, white and red in the face of the coming cold, reveling in the rainfall.  These, in conjunction with lush cotton fields behind them, just on the other side of the railroad tracks, made for a vibrant color scheme against the stormy gray sky of early evening.  Harvest time is here, but the summer flowers could care less.

For several weeks now, Arkansas weather has flip-flopped from sun to rain, from thunderstorms to picnics, and from warm enough to swim to cold enough for boots.  I can only imagine the new depths of intensity (and discomfort) that climate change will bring.  For now, I can see the beauty in it, and I’m very grateful for that.

All Things Halloween

I do not have a Halloween Night concert this year, but I am taking part in some really interesting events this month which fit the theme.

OCTOBER 16-19:  I will be performing and vending at Summerland Grove’s Festival of Souls in Memphis, TN!  This event is my home festival, and I cannot recommend it enough.  Specifically a Pagan event, FOS welcomes all comers and boasts a candlelight labyrinth, concerts and fire dance performances, and meaningful rituals and celebrations- the veil is thin at this point in the Wheel of the Year, and FOS seeks to help us honor and celebrate our loved ones on the other side.  This year’s festival will be extra meaningful for me.  Not only is it a homecoming of sorts, but it will mark 10 years exactly since I lost my father, William Crosby Tucker.  It will also give me a chance, at last, to meet the band Tuatha Dea, who are sharing performance time with me at the event- we’ve been chasing each other around the country and across podcasts for months, and now we finally get to meet face to face!  This year’s FOS will also be the first time Dryad Tea will be on site, selling her lovely looseleaf wares, some of which are based on my music!

FRIDAY OCTOBER 24, 7pm:  Thanks to the beautiful Kelley Naylor Wise, I will join a fine flock of my fellow  Arkansan poets as they hold forth at an event called Poets Scrounging, companion poetry jam and open mic to Gallery 360‘s Artists Scrounging art show in Little Rock!  Join the Facebook event  or check my announcement listing to submit your own work and get in on the madness with me.  Deadline for participation is October 22nd.  There is no deadline for being in the audience.  Kelley says, also, that the event will stream live online!

SUNDAY OCTOBER 26, 2-8PM:  Conway, Arkansas, one of my new hometowns, is having its very first Pagan Pride Day festival ever.  The event is free and will take place in Simon Park.  We had a recent date change from October 25, but rest assured that October 26 is now the correct date for the event.  If you want to connect with other local spiritual types, and if you want to hear me sing for free, this is the place to be!

ALL MONTH LONG:  20% of my online sales will go to Turpentine Creek Big Cat Refuge in Northwest Arkansas, as part of the Halloween Studio Tour. 🙂  Lions and Tigers and Bears gotta eat.  Doom nom nom a la big kitty takes a lot of money and maintenance.  Having visited Turpentine Creek, I can tell you that it’s a great place and an ever growing facility.  Download or order my stuff this month, and it helps them out.



(trigger warning:  death, mortality, decomposition, funerary things)

I have a new Youtube obsession, and her name is Caitlin Doughty.  She’s funny, she’s lovely, and she’s a mortician in California.

It’s not the stalker kind of obsession.  I just can’t go through my day lately without looking up another fun mortician fact a la her web series, Ask A Mortician.  I heard Terry Gross’ interview of Caitlin on NPR’s Fresh Air this past Wednesday, and I was instantly a new fan.  Check out her collective’s website, The Order of the Good Death.

Read more…

Shifting Shapes and Flying Dreams

Shifting Shapes and Flying Dreams

Love is never what it seems


(I’m donating a percentage of all my October download sales to Turpentine Creek Big Cat Rescue, as part of the 2014 Online Studio Trick-or-Treat!)

Today’s post is about a dream I had one night last week.  If shape shifter magic and fairytales fire your imagination, read on. 🙂

Read more…

Stolen Season Album Update: Track List

These are NOT yet in their final running order, but I promised I would share!

Black Swan Blues

Dream of Mississippi

Believe in Lullabies (jazz club mix feat. Ginger Doss)


Girl Into Devil (I Belong to Me)

Sultry Summer Night

Little Bird

Stolen Season

Wild River Child

Handsome Rogue

Believe in Lullabies (late night mix feat. Betsy Tinney)

Nifty October Stuff


I’m participating in the annual Halloween Studio Tour once again!

Once a year, a whole pumpkin patch full of artists, makers and musicians comes together in support of our favorite animal charities.  This year, I’ll be donating 20% of my online sales of certain music items to Turpentine Creek, the premier Big Cat refuge in the US – it’s actually only three hours away from my own home!

Check out my page on the tour, and visit the tour map to find other tricks and treats!













Murder Ballads are still campaigning away for their first studio release, Pretty In Scarlet, for which I contributed some fun drum tracks!

Friday Afternoon Tea has a new webisode posted!  I got to be a sponsor again.  Check it out!



I’ve got just a couple of events and concerts this month, all close to home!  I’ll be at Summerland Grove’s Festival of Souls Oct 18-20 near Memphis, and I’ll be at the first-ever Pagan Pride Day in Conway, Arkansas (one of my new hometowns) on Oct 26 from 2-8pm in Simon Park – this event is free!  Check out all the details for my October travels on the tour schedule page.


I’m working hard at home to get the Stolen Season album ready to go to print.  As a consequence, I took an unannounced Facebook and blog hiatus which lasted nearly a month (oops).  Don’t fret, though; I’m still here!  I’ve just got my guitar strings and nose to the grindstone, that’s all.  🙂  The album may or may not be ready for digital release by Halloween, but that’s what I’m shooting for.  I’ve basically got this week and next week to get the mixes of every song all polished and completed and off to my mastering engineer, Mark Yoshida.  Wish me luck!

Watch this space tomorrow.  If I can get it together, I’ll post the list of songs which will appear on the Stolen Season album!  For now, back to work for a few hours, and then off to Conway Arts Fest to spin some fire with my friend Hector Garcia!

One More Summer Highlight

I’ve been meaning to unlock this on YouTube for ages.  I did say upon my return that I’d try to share more with everyone about what the end-of-May Jamaica trip was like.  Here’s a video, with some of the best parts.  Hope you like it! 🙂

Art and Awesome, Ice Buckets and Videos

*Munchkin and Cards Against Humanity fans, you want to see this. I’ve played this game in its test form. It’s clever and fun enough that I’d love to see it take off! Plus, the folks who’ve created it are a hoot.

* I finally completed my Ice Bucket Challenge, served up to me two weeks ago by Wotan the Barbarian.

It wasn’t until after I posted the video that I learned I have loved ones for whom the threat of ALS is very real. I had reservations about doing this initially, but now I’m very glad that I did.

It also wasn’t until after I posted the video that I learned from a fan about aspects of ALS treatment research which purportedly involve animal testing.  Nothing is ever simple.  Here is one article about that issue from the ALSA website.  Always get the facts and always speak out with compassion, and with both feet on the ground, about the issues that touch you.
More happily, I want to encourage all of you to do something silly in support of a great cause- make it what you feel is most appropriate and most beneficial. It doesn’t have to involve a bucket of ice water. What wackiness can you come up with that helps out where you are, and makes people laugh?

*My friend Elizabeth’s crowdfunding campaign, which involves 12 pieces of art based on my music, ends in ten days. It needs a little love to reach its goal. If you want art and music from the two of us, please back this project. The art is stunning.

For the End of Summer

It’s taken my head a couple of years to get used to what my heart and spirit knew the first time I set foot on the land where I now live and have my little studio:  I am home.  I am staying.

That’s a hard thing, after having led a pretty seriously nomadic lifestyle for about a decade.

I’m realizing this morning that it’s taken me ages to relax into the thought that this house is mine (to clean), this yard is mine (to tend), and this place will care for me as much as I care for it.  I believe in the spirit of this 230 acre former summer camp.  I believe that it is awake, and that it knows me, has accepted me as one of its own.  I love this place deeply, but I’m realizing that the whole of me still hasn’t eased into believing that I won’t have to be gone from here someday.  That it won’t be “time to pack up” eventually, like it always used to be.

It’s good to be ready for whatever may or may not come.  It’s good to keep your sword sharp and your armor well fitted, because nobody knows what will happen next.  But I’m on the verge of giving myself permission to just be here, when I’m here.

There’s the dusting, the dishes, the ants and the poison ivy.  There’s also the peace, the cricket song, the bookshelves (far too few, currently) and the green grass.  The lake and the mist.  The clean air and the starlight.

I ran outside with my camera earlier this morning.  From the couch downstairs I could see, past our screened-in patio, a wild hibiscus blossom in the hedge with a dew-laden spiderweb just behind it.

Call me hippie weirdo all you want, but it made my heart stretch and ache to see it.  Such an end of summer image, with the lake’s morning mist still dense and mysterious behind it.  I did my best to capture what I saw.



This is the kind of moment and image that will help me remember that I have permission to be here, to be happy.  It may sound strange to those of you who are very well rooted in your own home spaces, that I need such things.  But there it is.  There’s a song in this, no doubt.  I’ll keep you posted. 🙂

Music and Art, Wishes and News

Those of you still on vacation: enjoy it!  Those of you back at work today: I wish you an easy transition!  As for me, I’m over here in the woods recording, mixing, and cleaning house in preparation for company.  This may not sound like work, but it’s certainly gonna fill up all my time today!  The lovely ladies of Pandora Celtica are coming to visit tomorrow, and they’ve promised to help me with my ALS Ice Bucket Challenge!  I’m extremely late in getting to it, but a little more awareness raised for the cause can only be a good thing.  If you want to see the results, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel– I’ll be posting the evidence of me + chilly, chilly water ASAP.  While having flashbacks of the “Neptune” video shoot, naturally. ;p

Later this month, I’ll have two shared shows with two of my favorite people who are coming to Arkansas to perform for the very first time.  Not only that, but they’ll be newly back in the USA from adventures in Europe which included, among other things, sharing the stage with Corvus Corax!  Corvus-freaking-Corax, people!!  I’m talking about Sharon and Winter, of course.  I met these two fine bards nine years ago in Oregon.  Sharon’s music had such an effect on me that I almost immediately holed up to write my Wendy Trilogy songs after we parted ways.  That should tell you how nifty our two shows will be.

We’re performing in Conway, Arkansas at my favorite coffeehouse/bazaar in this time zone, The Locals, on the evening of Tuesday Sept. 23.  You can purchase tickets here, and join us on the Facebook event here.  On the night of the show, we’ll give a student discount at the door!

The next night, we’ll give a very intimate performance at Gallery 360 in Little Rock, at I-630 and S. Rodney Parham Rd, just past Kanis Park.  I strongly recommend grabbing tickets for that show in advance, as there are literally only 40 seats in this place!  Get your tickets here.  The art is always captivating, the curators are fantastic people, and I can personally vouch for the quality of the music.  Join us on the Facebook event if you wish.

Artists take note: Gallery360 is currently accepting submissions for a new art exhibit:

Gallery 360 will awaken from its summer slumber in September with a showing titled “Artists Scrounging.”  To that end, we are looking for artwork made recently using found, recycled and re-purposed materials. That covers a lot of ground and will hopefully spark imaginations.

The dates will be September 20 thru November 1st.  We’ll take submissions up to 9/18, but would like to receive them ASAP.  Call or text Jay at (501) 993-0012 or email

Meanwhile, one of my favorite artists is still running a fundraiser to help her daughter fulfill a pretty amazing musical dream, and she’s offering prints of twelve, TWELVE new paintings based on songs of mine!  The art is already finished (she whupped it all out in a matter of a few weeks!) and will be shipped out as soon as the campaign is over.  Back the campaign at $5.oo or more, and you’ll also get the twelve songs free from me. 🙂  Check it out here.