
Little Super Powers

Many of us are fortunate enough to have woken up every morning of our lives, secure in the thought that somebody loves us. So many more of us have never had a morning like this. Plenty of us fit somewhere in between, and we know the ups and downs of both situations. Some of us have had that strong foundation of unconditional love since we were young. Some of us haven’t yet had a chance to learn what that feels like.  Where would you place yourself on that spectrum?

I’m not perfect, but I work to be kind and compassionate every day.  People have even told me that I make it look easy.  🙂 The truth is that I’ve never, ever had to wonder whether there is someone out in the world who loves me.  I’ve always known.  This, together with the innate compassion I believe I’ve inherited as a result, is such an amazing gift, and I’m very, very grateful to have it.

It’s the responsibility of those of us who are standing on rock solid ground, mentally and emotionally, thanks to that endless well of support we feel, to be as kind as we possibly can. I believe it’s one of our super powers, no matter what someone who prefers to think of kindness as weakness might say.  From what I’ve seen, compassion takes metric arse-loads of strength. Just ask anyone who’s had their heart stomped into the ground over and over, but who still keeps hope alive. Or, for instance, ask anyone who’s ever worked with Doctors Without Borders, or any other disaster aid organization.  I believe it makes a difference when we pull off being kind.  Even when it gets thrown back in our faces.  Even when we lose the battle.  Even when there’s no reciprocation at all.

You are so very strong. 🙂 Use your powers for good whenever you can.

Just a reminder



Tumblr at last

Just created a blog over on Tumblr, finally.

I decided to make it entirely frivolous, and not at all career related.  At least not on purpose.  🙂

Feel free to stop by!

The Jewels of our Stories

First things first:  Betsy’s CD release concert on Saturday night was OFF THE HOOK.  It was so good to see her get to be the star she richly deserves to be, for a COMPLETELY packed house!  Thank you all for coming out!  Thanks to Betsy for bringing us all together!  I was thrilled to get to make music with Vixy & Tony, Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff, Sunnie, Marcos, Alec, and of course Betsy.  Just wow.

The Belle of the Ball, the Queen of the Flapper Faeries

The Belle of the Ball, the Queen of the Flapper Faeries

We love our Betsy.  Download her album here.  Physical CD orders available soon!

And now, something else I need to share and celebrate today.  It’s January 13, 2014.

Five years ago today, I earned my one and only significant physical scar.  And you can barely see it now.
Five years ago today, my uncle the Rev. Hardy Peacock had reassured me that Friday the 13th was typically a lucky time for my family.

Beats Antique and The Hero’s Journey

Joseph Campbell had a lot to teach us.  Beats Antique, whose music I enjoy, has taken up the flag of Living Mythic.

Remember what I said a few days ago about recognizing others as the main character of their own story, just as I am the main character of mine?

I just started my Hero’s Journey.  Where will yours take you?


New Video up!

Just a wee one. 🙂  This was how I spent my New Year’s Eve. Hope you like it!

Firespinning has been one of my favorite things since I started learning how in late 2004.  New Year’s Eve 2013 was the 9th anniversary of the first time I ever got to do it (after many weeks of obsessive practice and safety training).  Here’s to rocking and rolling with things that scare us a little, in this wild and wonderful circus called life!


Best Wishes for 2014!

Happy New Year, everybody!

Thank you, as always, for being part of the journey with me.
I am honored to be part of your journey as well; never doubt it!

Something I’m working on keeping in mind for this new year, as I navigate my own ever-unfolding story, is that everyone else I meet is also a main character. We’ve all got a story. Nobody’s just a sidekick, or just a certain archetype who fills out the plot. It’s hard work to remember that, and nobody’s perfect. But I try to keep respect and kindness and awareness in mind and in practice, and there are days when I get it right. 🙂

I keep you all in my heart, and I hope that you really have a great time with the chapter of your story that’s titled “2014”. Here’s to that.

Music Cures the Post-Holiday Slump

No really.  How about some eighty free songs from my friends and me?  Note: this link will be up for a couple of months! Feel free to share it with others.  For real.  Please do pretend it’s the best day of Kindergarten ever and share as much as you can stand it!

And how about another free new song from me, for winter time and all the best bits?

Download for free right here.  Hope you enjoy it.  Hope it warms you from the inside out. 🙂

Yes, you rock. Own it.

I got to hear some of my very best friends in the world perform last night, for the first time since May. They absolutely killed it. In spite of unfamiliar surroundings and a crowd that didn’t know their music yet, together with the general atmosphere that bars tend to have (even really nifty bars are still bars), I thought their performance was top notch. After the concert, though, I heard from more than one of the band members that things had been really rough for them up there. They hadn’t been feeling the magic. It was a rough night.
I am here to tell you that Nobody Noticed A Thing.

This prompts me to say something. Because I’ve been there. Plenty of times. I’ve gotten off stage at the end of a show and thought to myself, “well, that was crap.” However, hot on the heels of this thought, all sorts of people, both strangers and friends, come up to me right away to tell me how great I sounded, and how much fun they had.

Here’s why that matters.

No matter what your inner judges are telling you, I would advise you to Listen when people who Love What You Do are telling you that you did a good job. Don’t let it go to your head, but DO believe them. And say thank you. And mean it.

It’s won’t be easy. I don’t know why it’s so hard to accept compliments for so many of us. But getting up on stage, being the center of attention, and sharing your truth isn’t easy, either.

For some of us, it feels easy. It feels natural. We can certainly make it Look easy. But truly? It’s not. It takes a ton of work- physical and mental. Every single one of us has an off night from time to time.

And you know what? People still love us, and still take the time to say so.

In summary, two things: One, yes, you rock. Two, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Wonders the CD is here!

Laddies and Gentlebabes, it is with GREAT joy this morning that I present Wonders the CD, available now for ordering right here! It’s still free to listen on my download page– you can also read the lyrics and the full credits there for each song- and now you can order the huggable version. Hope you like it! We worked hard, my brilliant artist friends, my brilliant recording buddies and me, to make it gorgeous inside and out.


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