This week I got a present in the mail from one of my stolen brothers. (I have no blood brothers of my own, so I have to steal them from other people.) It’s his newest creation: a slim volume of fantasy stories called Wyldsight.
Now, I am already a folklore and fantasy junkie. And he knows this. What he didn’t know was that I would devour this collection in less than a day, be brought to laughter and to tension by the words on its pages, and decide immediately that this little book, which holds so much more wisdom and awesomeness than its slimness implies, shall be required reading from now on for people I really want to have in my life until the end.
Brodie LeBlanc says, “I’d personally like to know if there are particular deities (and which ones) you are connected with.”
All right, I’m not gonna hold back. The first deity who comes to mind for me is Baubo.
I first “met” Baubo within the pages of Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes.
For me, Baubo is the goddess of the belly laugh, of bawdy jokes, and of feeling comfortable in your own skin.
Estes illustrates her beautifully in this way. I recommend that book for anyone who loves folklore, as well as anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of their wild side, regardless of gender.
Baubo’s origins are murky. Any girl’s story suffers from gossip and hearsay, especially when her story lasts a long time. Baubo’s story is one of the oldest. She may be the first Sacred Fool that we have. We think that she predates the Greek myths entirely. She makes her own appearance in them, in the Eleusinian Mysteries, saving Demeter from her own grief with a little bit of bawdy honesty. She also appears in the Egyptian pantheon, in the story of Isis and Osiris, again as a fearless, honest, and strong balm for grief- she lifts her skirt and makes Isis laugh again. The same thing happens in the story of Amaterasu and Uzume. 🙂
I’ll be live on the Pagan Variety Show this evening at 9pm CST. Everyone’s welcome to listen and call in. The show will be broadcasting here.
WinterPocalypse was much more gentle with us out here in the woods than we feared it would be. The power stayed on, and the ice stayed mild. Our hard-working relatives and friends still had to drive in to work on the icy roads, though, as I’m sure most of you did as well. I hope that you’re all safe and sound, and that you continue to be so.
I’m gonna try to say this next thing without being cheesy or pedantic. Here goes.
As you scramble to get all of your Yuletide chores squared away, presents bought and wrapped, parties hosted and cleaned up after, remember that we’re all in this together. Try your best to be kind to everyone you meet, and patient with those you’re working with. Again: we’re all in this together. Whether we’re standing behind a counter or in front of it, we’re all part of the same Holiday Season. The weather, the stress, and the joy touches all of us. All of us.
Be as kind as you can. Even when you’re tired, even when others are too tired to be kind to you. I hope that the results will surprise and delight you. I hope that it’s easier than you think. 😉 <3
The perfect topic for a snow day, sez I. I’ve started up a discussion over on Facebook about which mythical creatures captivate us most, and why. Feel free to chime in with your own comment.
The Wondrous Celtic Velocipede Tour has come to an end! All parties are done for the year and safely home. I will post some recap and gratitude soon. Everyone please be extra careful in this winter weather, wherever you are! The ice has arrived at my house. There’s a chance we’ll lose power out here in the woods, so the Wizard and I may be rockin’ it old school in historic ways over the weekend. Yay for firewood and snuggles!
Heather Dale and I got a mention in the Philadelphia Inquirer, thanks to PhilCon and to our perceptive fan/friend Lynati, who told staff writer Julie Zauzman, “you should be interviewing THESE two ladies!”
THE TOUR: I have been (voluntarily) kidnapped by (really awesome) Canadians and stuffed into their (relatively comfy) car. They tell me that I’ll be (happily) playing bass, playing guitar, playing djembe, and singing with them for the rest of this month, across two provinces and ten states! Below is the list of dates and cities where you can catch us all, and I hope you will. Get ticket info and locations on my tour page.
TONIGHT Nov 11: Troy, NY
Tuesday Nov 12: Kingston, Ontario
Wednesday Nov 13: Toronto, Ontario
Thursday Nov 14: Belleville, Michigan (local to Detroit and Ann Arbor)
Friday Nov 15: Chicago, IL
Saturday Nov 16: Madison, WI
Monday Nov 18: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Tuesday Nov 19: Minneapolis, MN
Thursday Nov 21: Lincoln, Nebraska
Friday Nov 22: Denver, CO
Saturday Nov 23: Denver, CO again!
Monday Nov 25: Kansas City, KS
Tuesday Nov 26: St. Louis, MO
Saturday Nov 30: Mt. Joy, PA
Sunday Dec 1: Fredericksburg, VA
Word to yr Produce!! Here it is! Watch, share, dance, enjoy! Eat your veggies!
This was so much fun to dream up, create, and perform. “Beetz” is gonna be one of my favorite songs to perform live for a long time to come- especially when I get to share the stage with my sisters in Big Bad Gina.
((new album dance!!))
The digital release is here, and I am so happy that I get to share it with all of you!
Please go and listen for free, and download if you wish!
The Jack O’lantern smiles with a knowing, subtle shine
Lighting up the front steps of this little house of mine-
A house you’d never reach unless the forest wished you well.
Here you are, safe and sound; step up and ring the bell.
The new release is getting very close. I’ve been hard at work on what are turning into the final mixes of eleven new songs- the last one I had left on my wish list for the WONDERS project *finally* allowed itself to be lured out of my 12-string guitar and my C pennywhistle tonight!
I’m pretty excited, so I wanted to share the song names (still figuring out what order they’ll go in) and the heart-stoppingly awesome album art contributed by Chaz Kemp Illustration.
The Songs:
September’s Rhyme
Little Skylark (Safe at Home)
Glashtyn Shanty
Ask Me Anything (Ell’s song)
September Morning Bell
The Great Velocipede Migration
For Iago
Sailing Song
Little Skylark (The Worsted Wood)
Not the Villain
Song of the Witches
Yes, you read the title correctly. 🙂
Just after I performed at the Beltania festival in Colorado this May, my friends Makara and Manfred asked me to deliver the autograph of my life.
The two of them have a great deal of fun restoring classic VW buses, and they’d just gotten one to the point that it was ready for a new custom art paint job. Makara had the design all mapped out in her head to include giant Tuscan sunflowers, inspired by her time in Tuscany…and lyrics from my song, “Cheshire Kitten”.
With a big Cheshire cat face and loopy, striped grin on the back of the bus. And she wanted me to AUTOGRAPH THE BUS.
Folks, I have autographed some neat stuff in my time, but this really takes the cake!
What else takes the cake: the bus is for sale. $5500 is the asking price! Also, Manfred and Makara are giving Sooj fans first crack at it. They’re not listing the bus on public websites until this Wednesday (Sept 11), in case one of you guys wants to grab it first. 🙂
You could roll out in your own Tuscan Cheshire Kitten Mystery Machine.
EDIT: This beauty is now the beloved new vehicle of my sweet Autumn O’Leary, whom many of you have seen performing with me many times as ASL interpreter! WOOHOO!
I’m leaving the rest of the photos and info up about the bus anyway, if you’re still curious. Yaaay Autumn!